Release notes 2024-05

At Lexerta, we base our developments mainly on the wishes and requirements of our customers and users. Several times a year we release new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Release notes 2024-03

At Lexerta, we base our developments mainly on the wishes and requirements of our customers and users. Several times a year we release new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Release notes 2024-02

At lexerta, we base our developments mainly on the wishes and requirements of our customers and users. Several times a year we release new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Release notes 2023-12

At Lexerta, we base our developments mainly on the wishes and requirements of our customers and users. Several times a year we release new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Release notes 2023-11

At Lexerta, we base our developments mainly on the wishes and requirements of our customers and users. Several times a year we release new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Dutch legislation in plain language – This is how we do it

HSE Compliance – made easy: That’s what we do at Lexerta. Each department contributes to this in its own way. From product development, we provide smart features in the tools Pharius and RiskReporter. Our accountmanagers and service department helps customers with training, brancheregisters and a well-equipped knowledge base. Our redaction department ensures that customers quickly get to the core of laws and regulations (the requirement). Martijn, team leader of the redaction department, likes to explain how we convert (often complicated) legislation into jargon-free language.

Pharius launches the Auditmanager

Today is the day: Pharius has launched its new Auditmanager. A module that enables you to be ready for an audit anytime and anywhere. Thierry De Vos, the Business Unit Manager at Lexerta gladly explains why this module is a gamechanger in the field of audit management and answers frequently asked questions.

Release notes 2023-09

At Lexerta, we base our developments mainly on the wishes and requirements of our customers and users. Several times a year we release new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Pharius Status Page

In the world of modern software, reliability and availability are crucial. At Pharius and RiskReporter, there’s no doubt we understand this. We find it important to be transparent about our software towards our users, cooperation partners and others who would like to know more about our products. That’s why we have developed the Pharius status page. There you always have reall-time insight into the performance of our services.

Working safe and healthy at PwC

Pharius makes it easier for QHSE professionals to comply with laws and regulations in the fields of environment, food safety and health & safety. The last field also includes the topic of ‘working safely’. We asked one of the largest accounting companies in the Netherlands how they handle this theme within their organisation and how Pharius supports them in this.