Reducing the number of workplace accidents.

That is what Riskreporter does.

With Riskreporter, you have vigilant eyes throughout the entire organization via an extremely smart app. This allows risks on the work floor to be immediately shared with all involved parties, potentially reducing accidents by up to 64%.

By combining the power of Riskreporter with Pharius Risk Manager, you and your organization gain even more advantages!

Manage and control the risks in your organization.

Combine Riskreporter and Pharius into Pharius Risk Manager.

1. Centralize Management

Manage and control all reports from a central point. No matter where you are, whenever it suits you.

2. Prevent Recurrence

Assign (repetitive) tasks based on reports to yourself or your colleagues.

3. Foster Engagement

Easily update the reporter on the status of their report. This shows appreciation.

4. Act on Reports

Safe work begins with identifying the risks within the organization.

Pharius Risk Manager

Combines the power of Riskreporter with the intelligence of Pharius.

Keep all risks in your organization under control

From a single source and at any location.

Good insight starts with data collection. All reports made with Riskreporter in your organization are collected in Pharius Risk Manager. This provides a clear overview.

Easily create (recurring) tasks to permanently eliminate the risk associated with the report. Add this task to your controls and show the auditor how your organization manages this risk. At every step, you can easily provide feedback to the reporter, fostering engagement.

Pharius Risk Manager features modern dashboarding. The dashboard visually presents all report inputs in an organized manner, tailored to the needs of you and your organization.

Manage and control the risks in your organization.

Combine Riskreporter and Pharius into Pharius Risk Manager.

1. Take a photo

Take a photo of the unsafe situation on the shop floor, on site or at the office.

2. Describe the risk

Confirm or choose the exact location, describe the situation and categorise the risk.

3. Define the risk level

Indicate in straightforward terms how high the risk level is and what you yourself have been able to do about it.

4. Send report

Check your report and send. You will be kept informed of progress.

Anyone can report risks. Easily, quickly, and from anywhere.

It prevents a lot of trouble.

You see, you report

Here’s how simple Riskreporter is.

Safe work begins with identifying the risks within the organization. Only then can you proactively eliminate risks and create a safe work environment. But how do you get a comprehensive view of all the risks in your organization, and who is responsible for this?

With Riskreporter, you collaborate to map out safety risks in your organization. Everyone contributes. From the shop floor to the executive team and from the office to the field. Within minutes, you can send a photo and assessment of a risk or incident to the appropriate responsible party. The reporter can be kept updated on the resolution through the app, fostering engagement.

Learn more about Riskreporter

Every organization is different, thinks differently, and operates differently. Therefore, Riskreporter can be customized for each organization, offering many possibilities. We would love to tell you more about it. We can also discuss topics such as safety & privacy, integration & expansions, and fostering engagement.

Schedule an appointment now or try Riskreporter yourself first. You can try it free for 30 days with no obligation. The trial period will end automatically.

First, create an online Riskreporter account.
Then download the app and log in to the Riskreporter app.

Google Play App Store

countries with active users


Users worldwide


Risks reported daily


Reports per year

Try it free of charge with Pharius.

Pharius connected to RiskReporter.

RiskReporter gives you the possibility of connecting risk reports to tasks and assurances. Create simple (repetitive) tasks from the report to eliminate the risk once and for all. Add this to your assurances and let the auditor see how you remain constantly in control of the risk.

Manage and master your risks with RiskReporter

Your organisation can have RiskReporter from € 145 per month. Giving you a host of possibilities to be in control of dangerous situations in your organisation.

The many extra functionalities allow you to gear RiskReporter even better to your organisation.

FunctionalitiesRiskReporter Trial
Limited to 20 reports. Free.
For companies
from 145/month.
Mobile app
Take and send photos
Geolocation of the alert
Determination of risk level
Standard risk categories
Report in mailbox
Online monitoring tool
Notifications available in real time in the tool
Assignment of tasks from notification
Feedback of the solution to the reporter (awareness)
Tailor-made risk categories
Upload organisational structure in the app
Link automatic workflows to :
Risk level November

Risk category November

Organisational structure
Report in mailbox

Try it free of charge. Download it now!

Google Play App Store

Invite your colleagues to try RiskReporter

Working in safety starts by understanding the risks in the organisation. Only then can you eliminate the risks in advance and ensure a safe working environment. So introduce your colleagues to RiskReporter, too, and together you can ensure a safe working environment.