Release notes 2022-05

The release policy of Lexerta is largely based on the wishes and requirements of our customers and users.

Several times a year we release new features, improvements and bug fixes.

New features

Legislation and Core of the Requirement in the change assessments view (NL)

When assessing changes, Pharius always shows the change document, completed with summary if available, and an advice written by our partners for their clients. In order to be able to assess the impact of the change even better and faster, we added a link to the law that was changed by the change document and the core of the requirement of this law.

Adding new legislation directly from the change assessment screen (BE)

When new legislation is presented in the changes to be assessed, it can now be added directly to the register. At first, this will only work for Belgian legislation, but soon we will extend this option for Dutch legislation as well.

Adding new legislation directly from the change assessment screen (BE)

When new legislation is presented in the changes to be assessed, it can now be added directly to the register. At first, this will only work for Belgian legislation, but soon we will extend this option for Dutch legislation as well.


The notifications dashboard has been updated

Recently we have released the first full dashboard in Pharius. This dashboard gives you insight of the (RiskReporter) notifications. The feedback we have received has been implemented in a new version of this dashboard. This concerns some visual optimisations and the possibility to export parts of the dashboard to Excel, pdf or png.

Tasks can be deleted by the organisation manager

It is now also possible for the administrator to delete tasks.

Parliamentary document publication type available in Pharius (NL)

As one of the last components, the parliamentary document is now also available in Pharius. With this Pharius is complete and on short term the connection between the old RDMG database and Pharius can be stopped.

Multiple notification holders for one RiskReporter notification

Multiple notification holders can be linked to a notification. This can be useful when, for example, an organisation works 24 hour shifts. Risk notifications can be directly assigned to multiple notification holders, so that there is always a responsible to deal with it!

Improvements to the calendar

In all places in Pharius where a date can be entered, a calendar is offered. Also a visual optimisation has been implemented. Selecting the right date has never been so easy and fun.

Filter on dates for changes to be assessed has been split (NL)

In the Netherlands, it was already possible to filter on a date when changes were to be assessed. This concerned a combination of both the entry into force date and the publication date. This caused some confusion sometimes. We have split this up, making it possible to filter on both publication date and entry into force date.

Frequency in the export of tasks clarified

In the export of recurring tasks, it was indicated that these were weekly or monthly tasks. While it could, for example, also be a task that recurred once every 4 weeks.

Several small visual points improved

We made several visual improvements throughout Pharius.

Bug fixes

  • Some images linked to notifications were not displayed correctly, this has been fixed.
  • Closing the edit mode of a task did not always work, this has been fixed.
  • The filter on compliance status stayed active when you switched to another theme, this has been fixed.
  • When editing a (RiskReporter) notification in Pharius, sometimes a notification holder was wrongly assigned automatically.
  • In Belgium, not everyone could assess a change in a register, even though they had the right to do so. This has been fixed.
  • A task to assess a change was sometimes not visible, this has been fixed.

If you have any questions regarding this release note, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Also check our online helpdesk.

Pharius has been developed from user’s perspective. However, this does not mean everything is completely self-evident for everyone. That is why we offer you support in various ways to enable you to work optimally with Pharius.

With the Pharius Online Guide we provide you with access to many answers of user questions. If you can’t find your answer here, you can also reach us by mail, chat or by phone.