Release notes december 2024

At Lexerta, we base our developments mainly on the wishes and requirements of our customers and users. Several times a year we release new features, improvements and bug fixes.

New features

Detailed report audit

It is now possible to retrieve a detailed report of an audit.  The audit report contains all the information including the answers and comments to each question and can be requested by the lead auditor of the audit.

Depending on the size of the audit, creating the report may take some time. Afterwards, you can download the report from the notification panel.

In the coming months, the report will be further refined and expanded based on feedback from our audit users. For example, questions with deviations will be highlighted separately and the corresponding measures will be displayed.

Search by change document title on changes to be assessed

When reviewing changes, it is now also possible to search by words appearing in the title of the change document. This makes searching within changes even more effective.


New layout for all navigation bars throughout Pharius

The navigation bars at the top of the various Pharius screens have been given a new layout. Not only do they now look much more sophisticated, but navigation, search and filtering are now much easier and clearer.

Bug fixes


The number of register lines count for large registers did not always go right, this has been fixed.

If you have any questions regarding this release note, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Also check our online helpdesk.

Pharius has been developed from user’s perspective. However, this does not mean everything is completely self-evident for everyone. That is why we offer you support in various ways to enable you to work optimally with Pharius.

With the Pharius Online Guide we provide you with access to many answers of user questions. If you can’t find your answer here, you can also reach us by mail, chat or by phone.