Release notes 2022-08

The release policy of Lexerta is largely based on the wishes and requirements of our customers and users.

Several times a year we release new features, improvements and bug fixes.

New features

New Compliance dashboard (BE)

From now on a completely new dashboard is available in the Belgian environment of Pharius. Through a daily update, the new dashboard provides insight into the organisation’s “performance” regarding compliance and works on the basis of the compliance statuses entered in the themes.
The dashboard is refreshed once a day and shows the situation of the previous day.

In the near future, this dashboard will also be made available to Dutch customers.


  • Explanation tab (NL)
    The tab “explanation” has been added to the detail screen of a change to be assessed.
  • Expired legislation (BE)
    Expired legislation for Belgian customers is now correctly displayed in Pharius.
  • Filtering by reference
    The option to filter by the title of a reference within a register has been added.
  • Open notification reminder
    The organisation administrator can now set up a reminder to be sent to the notification holder(s) of a RiskReporter notification that has been open for too long. In the notifications management screen, it is possible to set the number of days after which a reminder should be sent. This setting applies to all RiskReporter notifications of the organisation. For notifications with status “In progress” or “On hold” no reminders are sent.
  • Overview changes per register line
    In the detail screen of a register line, the changes to be assessed for that document/reference are displayed along with their status and relevance.
    For Belgium, the document title will be displayed, for the Netherlands the title of the change document will be displayed.
  • Delete notifications
    The organisation administrator can now delete notifications in the same way as available for tasks.
  • Filters in the document selector (BE)
    In the document selector to add documents to a Belgian register, extra filters were added. It is now possible to filter on topic, sub-topic, type of document and publication date.
  • Navigation bar in the report screen
    When multiple reports are available it is possible to easily switch between them. In the future, more reports will be added to this screen.

Bug fixes

  • Audit Manager (BE)
    • Some translations were missing in the Audit module. These have been added.
    • The button “Submit” was not immediately visible, this is solved.
  • RiskReporter
    • The link in the mail concerning a notification did no longer work, this has been solved.

If you have any questions regarding this release note, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Also check our online helpdesk.

Pharius has been developed from user’s perspective. However, this does not mean everything is completely self-evident for everyone. That is why we offer you support in various ways to enable you to work optimally with Pharius.

With the Pharius Online Guide we provide you with access to many answers of user questions. If you can’t find your answer here, you can also reach us by mail, chat or by phone.